Just contemplate!

Personally, I think painting can not be learned but discovered. Through the work Ciuleandra I illustrated and synthesized not only the well-known novel written by Liviu Rebreanu – with which I identify myself with somehow, but real symbols. Notice and analyze the girdle! I added the national colors, the mountains / \ / \ / \ and the water (rich and attractive resources) – the broken blue and orange line (Linism), the Cucuteni culture (one of the oldest civilizations in Europe), Brâncuşi’s Endless Column, the Romanian dance called “hora” – symbol for the union
of the nation (seen from the above) formed around two diamonds sharing the same center. Just contemplate!


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„Păun este un artist autodidact, născut în 1978 în București – România, care și-a dezvoltat pe ascuns pasiunea pentru artă în copilărie și care și-a



There is a diary story for every creation I signed. As a painter I find it wonderful to express the events of my life and


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