Yes! You can get a refund on any payment made in the last 30 days at any time. I offer zero, partial or full refunds.

Is not possible. Just because something is theoretically impossible doesn’t mean that it’s not possible. My work is estimated at… But you, you make a difference with your bid.

Visit me. Address: 17B th, Bulevard Timisoara, Bucharest – Romania.

It’s Simple. You can pay for your purchases at any time on the day of the auction or you can send payment to StefanPaun by post or bank transfer. I accept cheques and cash (subject to certain restrictions and legal limits). Payment must be sent from the invoiced party and not from a third party.

StefanPaun Service teams can arrange expert delivery and convenient shipping of your property. We offer exceptional service and competitive rates whether shipping a painting or a large piece of logo. Fully knowledgeable on all international regulations, StefanPaun will compile a full range of services for you, including collection, packing and arranging for shipping and transit insurance worldwide. For sales in Europa (European Economic Area (EEA)) and USA, simply provide us with your delivery address when you register for a acquisition.

Following your purchase, i will send you a competitive and comprehensive shipping quote. For arrange for the transport of your purchases or to learn more, or if we may be of assistance contact us.

Shipment times can vary according to the type of work, weight, value of property, number of items, delivery method, destination address and if the payment for the work and the shipping quote has been received in full.

Please inform Post-Sale Services of any deadlines or specific delivery requests in advance, so we can provide the appropriate service.

Yes! At bid, items are bid on and sold to the highest bidder.

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